Skin cancer can be a devastating disease to develop, which can prove to be fatal. Due to the extreme dangers of this disease, it is important to be an informed patient when it comes to this condition. To this end, you may benefit from learning the following answers to some fairly common questions.
Is All Skin Cancer The Same?
There is a common misconception among some patients that all skin cancer is the same.
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For many people, chemotherapy is stressing enough without the added stress of hair loss. While some people consider the associated hair loss as a badge of honor and a sign of courage, there are still many who would prefer to attempt keeping as much of their hair as possible. Here's what you need to know about chemotherapy and hair loss.
Why Chemotherapy Causes Hair Loss
Chemotherapy drugs attack rapid growing cells.
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If you are trying to grow hair, or if you want to see an improvement in your hair's texture and length, there are some simple things that you can do. Before resorting to more dramatic methods, such as plugs or weaves, try some of these common-sense strategies to see hair growth and enhance the quality of your current locks.
Try these tips to promote hair growth and see results for yourself:
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If you have recently had Botox injections to improve the skin elasticity and appearance of your face, you may wonder if there is anything you should not do while you are healing. If so, refer to the list below of things to avoid while you recover.
Don't Put Your Hands On Your Face
Whether you want to see how smooth your skin feels after the injections or you have some minor irritation and want to massage the area, avoid the temptation to put your hands on your face or rub your skin for a day or two.
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With so much focus placed on appearances, the condition of your skin has never been more important. In fact, it may seem like there are new skin care products hitting the market every week claiming to solve anything and everything with your skin. There are so many misconceptions out there about skin care in general that you may be confused about what you should be doing to care for your skin.
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