Helping Your Skin To Survive the Winter

Why Balayage Is Great For First-Time Hair Color Clients

Have you always wanted to color your hair? If so, you might be wondering where to start. There are so many different options these days, from simple highlights to all-over color. No single hair color treatment is right for everyone. However, balayage does tend to be a good choice for those getting color for the first time. Here's why. It is easy to do subtly. Balayage can be dramatic, or it can be subtle. Read More 

4 Reasons To Visit The Beauty Salon

Some people are regular visitors to the beauty salon, but others need a reason to stop by. If you're unsure, consider going into one of these situations. Split Ends Many folks work hard to maintain their cuts, and this can hold up for a long time with a little bit of regular attention. However, hair suffers from time, treatment, and the environment. One of the first signs a person's hair is suffering is the appearance of split ends. Read More 

Good Oils To Include In A Custom Beard Oil

Having custom beard oil made gives you the flexibility to choose the oils that are included in your blend. You can select oils that are compatible with your skin type and those that are best known to enhance beard growth and quality. But what oils might those be? Here's a look at some of the best oils to consider including in your custom beard oil blend. Jojoba Oil Jojoba oil is a good oil to use as the base of a beard oil. Read More 

A Facelift Without Surgery? Yes, It’s a Thing

When you hear the term "facelift," you probably think about surgery. If you know a little more about facelifts, you might imagine someone with scars along their hairline and near their ears where the skin has been cut and tightened. Indeed, this is what a standard facelift involves, but it is no longer the only kind of facelift available. Minimally invasive facelifts are becoming more common, and the most common minimally invasive facelift procedure is called a thread lift. Read More 

4 Tricks And Guidelines In Picking The Ideal Haircut For You

In many ways, haircuts are like your clothes. For example, it is impossible to have a hairstyle that fits all face shapes. Therefore, the idea of seeing a friend with an excellent cut and deciding to cut yours similarly does not always work. Instead, consider your facial features, head shape, and other factors before making a choice. Here are four helpful tricks and guidelines to help you pick the cut that will complement your features. Read More